Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Getting ready
Getting ready to leave for our summer vacation. Lots of laundry and packing to do. We leave for Utah on Friday for a few days to visit with Kerry's family and then it's off to Yellowstone. I hadn't planned on being 6mos. prego when we planned this trip. Just glad we're not camping! I'm looking forward to getting out of the Las Vegas heat. More to come later.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
celebrated her fourth birthday last week. She anxiously waited for her day to come. Having an older sister with a birthday a few weeks before her made the anticipation more intense.
She made up her mind that she wanted a pool party. When I took her to the party shop to let her choose a theme, I was surprised when she didn't choose anything I had expected her to. When I asked her if she was sure that she didn't want Hello Kitty or Disney Princess or something like that, she replied, "No Mom, I want a pool party." Somehow she thought if she picked one of those, she wouldn't get to have a pool party. I can't complain though, because she choose some butterfly stuff that was on clearance. All of her little cousins came and happily swam I had to work at getting her out of the pool to open her presents. She was two weeks old when we moved to our home in North Las Vegas. I can't believe how fast it seems time has gone by. Claire has grown so much and is such a joy in our lives.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Good job kids!
I couldn't be more pleased with my kid's performance in school this year. More than anything I want my kids to grow up to become great people. I am just as desirous to see them excel socially and behaviorally as I am to see them exceed academically. I am so grateful to say they are doing both. Each of them were recognized today in an awards assemblies. They both have had a good year in school and have done very well. Brayden worked hard and earned A's and B's, participated in two plays where he learned and memorized many lines, earned the Great American Award, accepted the assignment of being a peer mediator, and made many friends. Shelby earned straight A's this year, improved so much in her reading, and made many friends. Brayden moves on to middle school next year and Shelby with be a fourth grader. I am grateful that my kids can go to school. It's easy to take that for granted.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Birthday America!
For the fourth, we celebrated quietly at home. Lori and her family came over and swam. We grilled the good old American hot dogs and hamburgers. Kerry bought the kids a few fire works that we lit on the street. Our neighbors provided us with a great illegal show to accompany our small but legal firework extravaganza. In all seriousness though, we are truly grateful to live in this country with the freedoms we enjoy.
Happy Birthday Shelby
Shelby turned nine years old this week. She is growing up to be a beautiful girl and we're so glad she's ours. She celebrated this year with some of her favorite things. Krispie Kream doughnuts for breakfast to share with her third grade class, a new shirt from Justice (had to be blue because the birthday student gets to decide what color every one wears that day), Subway sandwich for lunch, a family barbecue/swim party for dinner, and can't forget the so desired ipod she's been wanting so bad. She shares her birthday with her Aunt Lori who turned that magical age of 29 that we all want to hol
The Great American Award
Brayden earned this award this year. We were very pleased with him for choosing to do it. It is something that the 5th grade students can do if they choose to. Brayden was one of only 22 students that earned this from his school. He had to memorize the pledge, the preamble to the constitution, the Star Spangled Banner, the states and capitals in alphabetical order, the US presidents in order, and the Gettysburg Address. It was quite the undertaking. I was especially pleased with him because among this, he was memorizing lines to a Shakespe
are play he is in this summer and numerous piano pieces. Good work Brayden. We're proud of you!!
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