Thursday, February 28, 2008


Since February is the month known for love (at least for most), decided that my one post for this month would be on this topic. There are lots of things that I love. Here's my short list:

1. My husband. We spent our 15th valentines together. Went out to dinner and a movie. Neither one were the greatest, but it really didn't matter because we both still like each other and enjoy alone time together. Kerry has to rank pretty high when it comes to best husband. I'm not sure there's a better one out there.

2. My Kids. since the husband came first, the kids are listed second. I have three great kids. I began loving them the moment I found out I was pregnant. Nothing makes me happier than to see them happy. My kids are good to the core. Not to say they are perfect. They're not, but they really have a sense of compassion and respect for others. I LOVE that about them!

3. Animals. Always have. I have a few nieces and nephews that are petrified of animals since the time they were babies. I wonder, are you either born an animal lover or not? I'm sure there are some that are in between these two extremes. If I could make it happen, I would have more land so that I could have dogs, cats, goats, chickens and maybe a few others too. Right now, I'm settling for a dog and a cat. I'm not complaining though, because most days I do well to take care of my three kids.

4. Sports. OK I like to play some sports, but mostly I just end up watching them. My favorite to watch is college sports. I love it when I know a good game is coming on. I will look forward to that all day. The crazy thing is, my husband isn't much of a sports fan. I have friends that hate that their husband always wants to watch sports. Me, I usually watch by myself unless it's a golf tournament. Then Kerry watches with me.

5. Good Food. Who doesn't? I'll leave it at that. If I tried to list all the foods I enjoy, the list would be entirely too long.

6. Laugh. I love to listen to funny people. Laughing makes me feel good. My family sometimes says that I lack a sense of humor. That may be true, but I still love to laugh.

I have to end by saying that I Loved the weather today! The news has been reporting blizzard like conditions in other parts of the country. It's hard to even imagine that when you walked outside today.


FrankNApril said...

I enjoyed reading that! Your husband spoke in my ward a few weeks ago and I was so excited when I realized he was going to be the speaker:) I am in waterfall ward now.I know u love food, Any new recipes? Take Care April

Lindalu said...

Great list! I agree with everything and they would be on my list as well, except maybe the sports thing. I like to play just about anything, but I don't like watching so much. Although I did learn to love baseball while we were in Arizona--boy am I going to miss that! I am jealous of your weather, so enjoy it for me! :)

Jason & Claire said...

So sweet. The sports thing surprises me. That's cute. We all need something like that to look forward to. I love the laughing thing too. I have the worst sense of humor. Funny people amaze me.

Also, your kids are so good. You should be proud and definitely look forward to everything they will bring into your life. They are wonderful.

Jess said...

What a fun surprise to see a comment from you on my blog! I didn't realize you had a blog too! I loved reading your list of the things you love. It was fun to learn more about you and your interests. You are the greatest! I love playing most sports too, but have not played for so long. I need to get back into it especially after this baby is born.

Linde said...

I love your list. I have to say I agree with all of it. You are so amazing. I love you and I am going to miss you. Glad we have these blogs to check on each other!